Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Ah" - the breath - the first letter sound of the alphabet

Modern Hebrew

pastedGraphic_6.pdfALPHA (AL-fuh) First letter of the Greek alphabet.
Akara, the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, is the beginning of the Vedic literature. Without akara, nothing can be sounded; therefore it is the beginning of sound.
This is the first letter, of the Japanese alphabet, hiragana, A. It is pronounced "Ah" as in the 'a' in "fall, call and ball." 

Archangels and Demons Cover Updates for You Write On Competition

Friday, July 29, 2011

Music as Vibration and Power - The Keynote

Everything has a keynote, The winds, rain, ocean waves, all the sounds of nature plus the cars, factories and the sounds of mankind along with every other sound on our Planet combine to create on composite sound or keynote.
Each individual's keynote is also influenced by the keynote of the astrological and planetary sign under which they were born. Although it manifests in matter, the keynote has a Spiritual Origin. Physically, the keynote emanates from the base of the skull at the medulla oblongata. For those sensitive enough to hear it, it is a droning sound similar to the buzzing of a bee. Eastern mystics call it 'Om' which they also consider to be the sound of the Universe.
 The microcosm is the macrocosm.
Sympathetic Vibration
One simple way to rejuvenate and improve our health is to reinforce or 'tune up' our keynote through the use of sympathetic vibration.
Here is a simplified example of how sympathetic vibration, sometimes call 'resonant frequency', works. If you were holding a tuning fork and a friend stood near you while playing another tuning fork, soon the fork that you are holding would start to vibrate to the same note as your friend's fork. If your friend's note is played long enough loudly enough and aggressively enough, your friend could cause your tuning fork to shatter. Both tuning forks must be of the same pitch or key, otherwise they have no effect on each other. Only tuning forks that are similarly tuned will vibrate together or influence one another.
This is the principle that Joshua used in the Battle of Jericho.
By trumpeting the keynote of the walls, they were able to crumble the fortress.
Sympatric vibration has been understood by the military for ages. Every commander knows not to ever let his soldiers march across a bridge. Instead, they walk. If they were to hit upon the resonant frequency of the bridge, the vibration of their marching feet would literally trample down the bridge, destroying themselves in the process.
Vibration can destroy. But the reverse is also very true.
Playing the keynote in a soothing manner causes everything in the surrounding area that is of the same pitch to resonate. Everything that's on the same vibe begins to harmonize. Scientists established long ago that plants grow faster, larger and healthier when soothing music is played in their presence. Likewise, by listening to relaxing music played at the correct pitch, we strengthen the harmonization of our own keynote. The Spiritual bodies become energized and aligned, which vitalizes the etheric body (which in turn causes the rejuvenation of the whole person).
One of the many ways this is accomplished is by the regulation of brain chemicals like serotonin which are related to feelings of well being peacefulness.
By reinforcing our individual key notes, Soul Music vitalizes and strengthens our Spiritual and physical bodies allowing the Music of the Spheres to truly live within us. The stronger the note, the healthier the Spirit,  the stronger the body and the longer the life.

Music as Vibration and Power - Resonance

Resonance, An object free to vibrate tends to do so at a specific rate called the object's natural, or resonant, frequency. (This frequency depends on the size, shape, and composition of the object.) Such an object will vibrate strongly when it is subjected to vibrations or regular impulses at a frequency equal to or very close to its natural frequency. This phenomenon is called resonance. Through resonance, a comparatively weak vibration in one object can cause a strong vibration in another. By analogy, the term resonance is also used to describe the phenomenon by which an oscillating electric current is strengthened by an electric signal of a specific frequency.
An example of resonance is provided by a motor that causes vibration in a piece of furniture in another part of the same house. These vibrations occur because the furniture has a natural frequency equal to the frequency of the vibrations set up by the motor. The furniture is said to be in resonance with the motor. Resonance can also be observed in an automobile when a certain partan ash tray, for examplevibrates when the car is traveling at a certain speed. The ash tray is in resonance with the vibrations of the engine at that speed.
Mechanical resonance can produce vibrations strong enough to destroy the object in which they occur. For example, soldiers marching over a bridge can set up extreme vibrations at the bridge's natural frequency and shake it apart. For this reason soldiers break step to cross a bridge. In 1940 wind gusts at Puget Sound Narrows, Tacoma, Washington, caused a suspension bridge to vibrate at its natural frequency and the bridge collapsed.
In music, resonance is used to increase the intensity (loudness) of a sound. The comparatively weak vibrations produced at the end of an organ pipe, for example, cause a column of air in the pipe to vibrate in resonance, thus greatly increasing the loud-ness of the sound. This principle also applies to the human voice, in which the vibrations of the vocal cords are reinforced by resonant vibrations in the oral and nasal passages.
Electrical resonance is used to tune radios and television sets. Tuning consists of establishing a circuit with a resonant frequency equal to the assigned frequency of the desired station.

Music as Vibration and Power - Power vs Force

Now, are there certain types of music that carry high frequency of vibrational energy? For example, I know opera and classical, or there's even heavy metal or rock. There are certain emotions that people experience when listening to music.  What's your feeling; are there any types of music that increase the energy vibration, or carry a high frequency of energy vibration?
Mark: In the book Power Versus Force (by David R. Hawkins) the author develops a calibration system from 0 to 1000, and zero being the absolutely worse thing you can think of in human life and 1000 being like Jesus and Buddha. In his research and study, everything that was over 250 on the ranking scale, gave energy; everything that was below 250, took energy away.
They did a test where they calibrated rap music—rap music calibrates below 250, whether the individual being tested likes rap music or not, and actually takes energy away. They calibrated Mozart, which has been scientifically proven to have some benefits, hence Baby Mozart and all those wonderful pieces. The scientists tested Mozart's music, and Mozart's music does not do what they were looking for; it does not shield people from the effects of energy interrupters, which was the key component in their tests.
There are pieces of music that give energy. We've all heard them before. Music's a powerful tool, whether or not it has frequency energy in it or not. It has a way to access the subconscious mind like nothing else, especially if it's instrumental, where there are no words involved. Music has the ability to bypass the left critical thinking part of the mind, and go directly to where all change really takes place.

Music as Vibration and Power - Singing Volcanos

Concerts by two volcanic composers could aid efforts to protect people in risk areas worldwide, say Italian researchers.
That help, however, is unlikely to come from record sales.
"We are talking of two special composers, Mount Etna in Sicily and Mount Tungurahua in Ecuador," researcher Domenico Vicinanza at CERN in Geneva, told Discovery News.
The researchers made the volcanoes "sing" using a new technology that transforms a volcano's behavior into sound waves.
"Different melodies represent various stages of volcanic activity," Vicinanza said. "Our goal is to detect the one announcing an imminent eruption."
Known as "sonification," the technology makes it possible to convert low-frequency seismic waves into frequencies audible to the human ear.
" particularly useful when dealing with complex, high-dimensional data," Vicinanza said. "People find it easier to detect complex patterns by the ear rather than the eye."
Vicinanza and colleagues at the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) first tested the sonification software on Sicily's Mount Etna, Europe's highest and most active volcano. They are now expanding the research to Ecuador's recently erupted Tungurahua.
The researchers used a seismogram — the graphical records of the earth's seismic waves — to score the volcanoes's seismic movements as melodies.
"Basically, we put the seismogram onto an empty score, and overlay the contours with musical notes. The result is a melody which follows exactly the pattern of the seismogram," Vicinanza said.
Though "each volcano has its own music style," the researchers hope to find distinctive patterns in the music of Mount Etna and Tungurahua.
"These common patterns could be the signature tune of an imminent eruption," Vicinanza said.
Since the amplitude of the musical intervals reflects the amplitude of the seismic waves, the music is smooth when the waves are small — indicating that the volcano is quiet. The tune becomes nervous, scattering through high and low tones, when an eruption is approching.
"We can say that the middle part of the piano keyboard represents the safe zone. On the contrary, the higher and lower keys represent a worrying picture," Vicinanza explained.
According to volcanologist Thomas Wagner of the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Va., sonification applied to volcanoes could be pretty important.
"We're at the earliest stages of predicting eruptions and looking at the specific details of seismic or infrasound could help us," Wagner told Discovery News.

Archangels and Demons Chapter 1 Sixth section Japanese translation


Altair, Maia, Ben and Alice attended BridgeFord like normal middle and high school students but each from their respective countries, Altair from England (although he was based in France for the holidays), Maia from New Zealand, Ben from USA and Alice from Japan.
Bella, their "teacher" was an E-musicologist, a new breed of scientist researching nuclear physics and energy combined with music, based in Oxford, England. 

Astrology of the Angels - Book Of Raziel


Book of Raziel

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Archangels and Demons Chapter 1 Fifth section Japanese translation


"Time for bed!" Alice didn’t want to head down this line of conversation on Maia’s birthday. Alice's futon was already laid out. She was lying full length in Tokyo, next to Ben, still in New York. They snuggled into each other.
“Mmm,” said Alice as Ben’s hands explored her body.
“C’mon you two,” said Maia. “This is supposed to be my birthday. Can’t you at least...”
"We’ll listen to the song remotely. Anyway it’s your love song. Shouldn’t intrude. Logging out," said Ben. After all it was 12 hours difference between Tokyo and New York.
Ben's image disappeared beside Alice but not before they both blew Maia an affectionate kiss.
"Come back here you wasters," yelled Altair.
“Oh leave’re much...more...interesting.” Maia kissed Altair more deeply and felt his wet tongue in her mouth. It was a long kiss.
“Now how about that song?”
There was a loud rap on her door.
“Shut the hell up in there you little brat. Can’t you keep it private like the rest of us?” Ava Gripe was just outside her door. Luckily Maia had it securely locked.
Part of modern school policy. A rule she used to her best advantage. Privacy for all study.

Archangels and Demons Chapter 1 Fifth section Japanese translation


"Time for bed!" Alice didn’t want to head down this line of conversation on Maia’s birthday. Alice's futon was already laid out. She was lying full length in Tokyo, next to Ben, still in New York. They snuggled into each other.
“Mmm,” said Alice as Ben’s hands explored her body.
“C’mon you two,” said Maia. “This is supposed to be my birthday. Can’t you at least...”
"We’ll listen to the song remotely. Anyway it’s your love song. Shouldn’t intrude. Logging out," said Ben. After all it was 12 hours difference between Tokyo and New York.
Ben's image disappeared beside Alice but not before they both blew Maia an affectionate kiss.
"Come back here you wasters," yelled Altair.
“Oh leave’re much...more...interesting.” Maia kissed Altair more deeply and felt his wet tongue in her mouth. It was a long kiss.
“Now how about that song?”
There was a loud rap on her door.
“Shut the hell up in there you little brat. Can’t you keep it private like the rest of us?” Ava Gripe was just outside her door. Luckily Maia had it securely locked.
Part of modern school policy. A rule she used to her best advantage. Privacy for all study.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Maia and Altair - latest illustration by Chihiro Tani


Note : The above card, Temperance is from the B.O.T.A. Tarot.
B.O.T.A. emphasizes that the Tarot is for meditation and not for fortune telling.
They encourage students to color their own cards thus "making them their own."

The link for B.O.T.A. is

and for B.O.T.A. Europe is

The card below is colored for comparison.

o this Key is attributed the Intelligence o f Probation, or Trial. This refers to the testing through which every aspirant must pass before he can reach the heights of Initiation. Its object is to determine his temper, or strength. Thus you see that Temperance refers to the act of tempering, or the making of a properly balanced mixture. It has a distinct reference to equilibration, for the Initiate must be perfectly balanced with reference to all of his vehicles. He no longer goes to extremes, but has mastery of the pairs of opposites, because he invariably chooses the middle path between two extreme courses of action.
The rainbow represents the differentiation of light into color by means of water. The angel is androgynous and represents the Higher Self. He wears the symbol of solar energy upon his brow. The seven-pointed star on the breast represents the works of man, because the seven-sided figure cannot be drawn geometrically, but requires the aid of measuring tools. The fire from the torch falls upon an eagle, symbol of water, and the water from the vase falls upon a lion, symbol of fire. Thus we see a representation of the union of opposite forces in opposite directions. The twin mountain peaks are wisdom and understanding, and the crown above them represents thePrimal Will.

Key Number
Hebrew Letter
G #

Tree of Life and Hebrew

Archangels and Demons Chapter 1 Fourth section Japanese translation


“Don’t know girl. Glitch in the matrix?”
“What about the song Altair? You promised me a song.” Maia was sitting now, pouting, trying to look offended. It was her birthday after all.
“Yes, I did promise. Our first single.” Altair looked so proud that Alice laughed.
"Guys, just chill. It's not as if we're superstars or anything. Our band kind of sucks."
Ben appeared yawning, it was getting late in New York.
“Oh, you’ve started already. Sorry I’m late Maia. Been working on something. Happy Birthday!” He put down a small device about the size of a dime.
“What’s that?” asked Maia. “You know I’m into swords Ben, not coins.”
“Yep. This is one of my own creations. Hit it.”
She pressed the small dimes surface and music began to play followed by Ben’s voice and face appearing over it in the room.
“For all true followers of the Blade. Your own personal rare sword finder. Where to procure them, even the ones the Faith won’t let you find...follow the voice prompts to begin.”
“Cool darling. You’re so smart,” said Alice kissing Ben. “Now let the girl hear her lover boy’s song...”
“Thanks Ben,” said Maia. “Altair was just about to play me my love song...and first hit single.” Maia laughed. “Can’t see us being big music stars without an Agent.”
"One'll see," said Altair with a grin.
"Ben and I are working on the Agent thing."
There was an awkward silence.
Agents had been a moot point in the group.
“Is that wise?” said Maia.
They knew they had to have one to be successful in the world but it meant getting entwined in The Faith. Agents were part of everything, from entertainment to security. They were the mediators, giving you the necessary contacts in the governing body, The Faith. There were many rumors, even whispers of murders and disappearances if you didn’t follow protocol. And none of them wanted that.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Archangels and Demons Chapter 1 Third section Japanese translation


Maia wasn’t going to make that same mistake again.
Altair was next, materializing into the room with a waiter, holding a bottle of wine, complete with table and two places set and ready.
“Alice beat you to it,” said Maia.
She gave him a long kiss.
She felt his hands sneak down towards her bottom.
“Hey, not here, not in front of the others. Later....”
She kissed him again and he smiled.
“Got it. Been thinking about the perfect gift for you. So here you go. The song and the name.”
“The band name? Really?”
"Yep, The Archangels."
Yes, that was a perfect name for it.
“Altair, that’s brilliant!” Maia reached out to give him a hug.
Altair scribbled it down on the corner of a napkin from the French cafe he still had one foot in and passed it to Maia. It floated in front of her for a moment and he scrabbled to get it, managing to knock the table and the waiter serving it from behind.
“Oops,” said Altair as the waiter’s wine spilled over into Maia’s room. “Sorry!”
He always got nervous on dates with Maia.
She giggled and scribbled back on the half of the napkin not soaked in wine.
"Black or white angels?"
"Didn't know there were any black ones," said Altair with a sly smile.
"Or would you like to be one anyway? You always look so sexy in black."
"Look, you two, it's just the name of a band. Stop squabbling," said Alice who couldn’t resist teasing Maia about Altair. “Let me help with the date disaster.”
She reached out a hand with a cloth from her apartment to help and the mess disappeared.
“Hey, how’d you do that?” said Maia. The napkin was dry, as was the floor underneath. The waiter looked like he’d never moved.
“Do what?” asked Alice. “I was just trying to help”
She saw the clean floor and shrugged. Strange things always happened around Alice.